Trail: Mr Cronin Remnant Rainforest (lower western slopes) (Challenging 1.5km, 60min, 45m ascent)

 In moist gullies of the Tallaganda are a number of remnant rainforests, many are difficult to reach. 

This trail starts in an open eucalypt forest, proceeds to the top of a hill and beyond.


And involves some cross-country effort clambering over (under and along) fallen trees and fighting through lawyer vines.


Before arriving at the top of the rainforest gorge.





Trail: Challenging 1.5km, 60min, 45m ascent

Our trail trace can be found on Gaia. This trail starts on Main Range Road (there is off road parking here) and track up to an unnamed hill along a very steep bike/animal track (watch out for other users). A bit beyond the hill, proceed cross-country (avoiding lawyer vines, black thorn and other spines) towards the top of a blunt gorge. There are drops along the side of the gorge, from which you are able to see the rainforest and a collection of tall tree ferns. The trek back to the top of the hill will take you deep into lawyer vine territory - pick your path carefully
This is not a place to go when you might disturb the resident copperhead snakes.
