
Showing posts from October, 2021

Arachnorchis atrovespa

Building a Deep Space Observatory

Those who name the Gods rule

Ettrema Wildflowers - slideshow

Ancora Io, (Part 22) Genny I

Troublesome Books

In the Ettrema & Tianjara Wildnesses - mid October

Tallaganda Wildflowers - Slideshow

Tallaganda Wildflowers - Spring - 6

Trail: Maroonhood Scramble (Easy, 200m, 40mins, 8m ascent)

Trails, Treks and Images of the Tallaganda Wilderness, Tallaganda National Park, Tallaganda State Park, Tallaganda Conservation Area

The problem with names

Love #45, Spring in Ettrema

High Plains, a winter blast