I spend a lot of time dreaming. Take care not to get caught in my dreams.
Sometimes my dreams become substantial. I record those here.
I sail an older trailer-sailer on lakes and estuaries. The Rambler did not come with a manual so i record stuff about it HERE.
Metal and wood
I build with metal and wood. When younger, i liked having instructions and sometimes read them. Then i found a two volume explanation of how to build plank on frame models by Harold Underhill from Glasgow. Since then, i get a kick out of sitting with raw plans and working it out for myself (although it is hard to get Harold's voice out of my head). I only have one rule. I do not get hung up about finishing a project. The downside is that i have a lots of unfinished stuff. Here is the finished stuff :)
Early Flying Designs & Machines
Metal ShipsEarly Flying Designs & Machines
Sailing Ships
Brass Tellurium (earth-moon-and-sun orbiter)
Sky Ornaments
- Building a Deep Space Observatory
- Taking different types of star/planet photos
Author: Peter Quinton
You can adventure with me at my website
The books we wrote here are now on Amazon
You can find my footprints on GoogleMaps