Orchids of the High Country - Australian wildflowers

Brown caps (Caladenia ustulata)

Diuris sp : Donkey Orchid (Diuris sp), Leopard Orchid (Diuris Corymbose) & Tiger orchid (Diuris sulphurea)




Golden Moth



Little dumpies (Diplodium truncatum)   Greenhorn orchid


Mantid Orchid Caladenia tentaculata

Maroonhood (Pterostylis pedunculata)


Nodding greenhood (Pterostylis nutans)


Pink fingers (Caladenia carnia)


Rock Orchid

Slender Sun Orchid

Spotted sun Orchid


Wax lips orchid (Glossodia major)




Anonymous said…
Thank you, - for sharing these miniature miracles of nature.
Peter Quinton said…
Thanks you Anonymous Nature
Yesterday, I met a near neighbor - a young farmer who works hard on his land. He didn't waste much time on schooling and has never practiced the deceit that comes without thought with some. He gained my admiration when he talked of his love of the wild flowers we have seen this year, and how he seeks to protect and preserve them for the future.