Tallaganda Dreaming IV: First Wild-flowers after the fires
Heavy rain, a return of damp coastal breezes and large spans of open ground provide ideal circumstances for an explosion of wildflowers in the devastated forests. The second survey (early March 2020) found the first post-fire orchid, and observed thousands of plants sending up flower stalks. Scores of small plants were cataloged in the process of recovery, including peas and creepers, and there were a couple of familiar touches of color.

Other posts in the Tallaganda Wilderness Firestorm and Recovery series
I: Index of recovering species, Asura cervicalis in Exocarpos cupressiformis
II: Creek Zones: Ferns, Mosses, Lichens, Worts
III: Southern Boobook Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae
IV: First Wildflowers
V. Fire sculptures
VI. Funnel Web Spider Atrax Sutherlandi
VII. Trees of the Forest - in preparation
VIII. Heaths and shrubs of the Forest - in preparation
IX. Highland Bog Zones - in preparation
X. Mountains Zones - in preparation
Background Chronologies
i. Tallaganda Wilderness Fire 2019-20: Chronology Part 1 24-29 November
ii Tallaganda Wilderness Fire 2019-20: Chronology Part 1 29 November +, in preparation
iii. Tallaganda Wilderness immediately before the fire October 2019 in preparation
Parsons Bands (Eriochilus cucullatus)
This tiny orchid is the first to flower near the Southern Tallaganda Wilderness, post fire. It was found as a single flower on a slender stalk, on fire-cleared ground. Large numbers of these were observed developing in patches of what at first glance appeared to be low thin grasses.
The orchid gets its name from the appearance of a preacher holding two arms up to the sky (this example looks a bit cranky and has lost one of the 'arms'),
The orchid gets its name from the appearance of a preacher holding two arms up to the sky (this example looks a bit cranky and has lost one of the 'arms'),

Break O Day (Brachyscome Multifida)
This was found flowering in isolated numbers along the edge of eroded fire trails. Brachyscome is a genus of Australian flowering herbs and bushes. Break O Day is commonly found in Australian gardens (an enduring frost tolerant herb) - here also displaying fire tolerant capacities.
The French botanist Cassini (great-great-grandson of the discoverer of Jupiter's Red Spot) first gave the genus the name Brachyscome (short-hair) but latter corrected it to Brachycome - a correction rejected by authorities. You only get one change when you name things.
The French botanist Cassini (great-great-grandson of the discoverer of Jupiter's Red Spot) first gave the genus the name Brachyscome (short-hair) but latter corrected it to Brachycome - a correction rejected by authorities. You only get one change when you name things.

Sticky Paper Daisy, Sticky Everlasting (Xerochrysum viscosum)
This was found flowering in small numbers on the edge of the fire ground.

Royal Bluebell (Wahlenbergia gloriosa)
Deep in the fire ground, this was found in small numbers part way up the protected side of small waterfalls in the fire ravaged creek beds. The flower is the floral emblem for the Australian Capital Territory and, in good conditions, can grow quite large in big clusters.

Manna Gum Amber
While not strictly a flower, a drop of manna gum amber...
Other posts in the Tallaganda Wilderness Firestorm and Recovery series
I: Index of recovering species, Asura cervicalis in Exocarpos cupressiformis
II: Creek Zones: Ferns, Mosses, Lichens, Worts
III: Southern Boobook Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae
IV: First Wildflowers
V. Fire sculptures
VI. Funnel Web Spider Atrax Sutherlandi
VII. Trees of the Forest - in preparation
VIII. Heaths and shrubs of the Forest - in preparation
IX. Highland Bog Zones - in preparation
X. Mountains Zones - in preparation
Background Chronologies
i. Tallaganda Wilderness Fire 2019-20: Chronology Part 1 24-29 November
ii Tallaganda Wilderness Fire 2019-20: Chronology Part 1 29 November +, in preparation
iii. Tallaganda Wilderness immediately before the fire October 2019 in preparation