Tallaganda Wilderness Fire 2019-20: Chronology 24-29 November
Forbes Creek from Galvins Creek Road, 29 November
24 November 2019
Online media reports that a fire was ignited in the Tallaganda by dry lightning. The fire was initially spotted by an aircraft passenger.25 November 2019
Canberra Times reported that the fire was being "controlled with 10 trucks, 35 firefighters, two helicopters and two bulldozers".26 November 2019
19:30 Lake George looking south: Note long smoke plume starting at the top of the Black Range on the far right
19:50 Smiths Gap looking south-east over Bungendore
27 November 2019
The fire grew in multiple directions during the course of the morning. By the end of the day, Inspector Chris Allen told the Canberra Times about "erratic fire behaviour" with fire smoke making it difficult to assess from the air but that the fire covered 1100 to 1200 hectares with spot fires.19:00 Galvins Creek Road looking NE.
19:00 - 20:00: Above Foxlow Lagoon looking NE to E
21:15: Galvins Creek Road, looking E
28 November 2019
13:30 Rossi Road looking E
15:30 Rossi Road looking E
18:00: Rossi Road
19:00: top of Galvins Creek Rd
29 November 2019
The day started with two fires, a spot over onto Mount Palerang. By close of day, the fire had exploded to the east.9:00 Rossi Road
12:00 Rossi Road looking E
16:00 top Galvins Creek Road looking E
20:00 - 21:00 top Galvins Creek Road looking E
Other posts in the Tallaganda Wilderness Firestorm and Recovery series
I: Index of recovering species, Asura cervicalis in Exocarpos cupressiformis
II: Creek Zones: Ferns, Mosses, Lichens, Worts
III: Southern Boobook Owl Ninox novaeseelandiae
IV: First Wildflowers
V. Fire sculptures
VI. Funnel Web Spider Atrax Sutherlandi
VII. Trees of the Forest - in preparation
VIII. Heaths and shrubs of the Forest - in preparation
IX. Highland Bog Zones - in preparation
X. Mountains Zones - in preparation
Background Chronologies
i. Tallaganda Wilderness Fire 2019-20: Chronology Part 1 24-29 November
ii Tallaganda Wilderness Fire 2019-20: Chronology Part 1 29 November +, in preparation
iii. Tallaganda Wilderness immediately before the fire October 2019 in preparation