Calendar of Orchids: SE Australia


Calendar of Orchids of SE Australia

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This presentation provides images and paintings of high country orchids. It has been organized roughly by date to give you an idea of what is out there, and when.  Each year will be a little different according to temperature and rainfall. Lower altitudes and warmer temperatures may find orchids sooner - higher altitudes or late snow will delay their emergence. 
Away from human interference (including feral introductions such as rabbits or pigs or the spread of weeds), wild orchids show remarkable resilience - even in the face of determined raking by lyrebirds who seek the bulbs. 
Highland hikes in this area are a little different to walks along established trails. Careless walking can create harm to these places. Our hikes have involved some remapping, building trail traces (for places that should but don't have records of walking trails) and surveying lost falls and wildlife recovery.  

Contact/Survey/Trail Details 
My wildlife surveys and identification attempts are recorded at iNaturalistAU .
Trail traces are recorded on GaiaGPS.  
Feel free to leave public comments here or write to me privately at (It may take a day or so for comments to appear or for me to get back to you - but that will happen.)
