In Ettrema: Summer update

After rain and unseasonal cooler conditions, flannel flowers are blooming in the south east wilderness.

I had returned to search for morphs of the pink flannel flower (a pale white and a yellow version) expecting to find most of the fields of the flowers to have wasted. Instead, on plants that appeared dead a couple of weeks earlier, i found a mass of blooms. 

On the top of the mesas, with thin drifts of soil on the sandstone caps, the fields of pink flannel flower were still blooming profusely. They seemed to prefer ground that had been disturbed. Away from the dense flowering areas, there were hard delineations - in areas of deeper soil, the flowers disappeared. Nevertheless, it was possible to find isolated clumps from Bulee Gap to Tolwong Trail.




Anonymous said…
Loving the colors in these series, very romantic, a bit misty and powdery soft.
(Like flannel :))
Especially the first pic is amazing. Thank you for sharing.
Peter Quinton said…
Dear Anonymous (flannel)
Flannel flowers are quite distinctive - and they have the most beautiful curves.
Thanks P