Quodlibet: Screentests

In 1264, the population of Scarborough doubled to about 3,000 during the great fair "from the Assumption of Our Lady to Michaelmas". However, modern estimates of the actual dates are out by about 6 days, due to later reforms to the calendar. While getting correct solar/lunar positions for the first night shot, we stumbled on the unsettling discovery that there was an evening eclipse of the full moon that night. 

The manifest of characters for the film is not quite 3,000 - but we have been able to achieve a solid pipe-line of dozens of characters from DAZ studio (our main characters, monks, priests, fishers, guards, townpeople, merchants, entertainers, thieves and rogues) into our film sets in UE5 - and today we completed the first facial animation tests - the last technical hurdle to commencing filming. 
