Forgotten Worlds: Reimagining Scarborough Keep and Monasteries, UE5

As work on the town and port nears completion, I am starting to prepare sets in the completed* keep and religious houses for filming. Here are test shots with day and candle light shots. 


*nothing is ever really complete. At present I have blocked in the keep with household and military memorabilia from the collapse of the European interests in Byzantium and the Middle East. 

I should record my grateful thanks to the Scarborough Archaeological and Historical Society for the amazing work they are doing in the field (and the terrific resources they provided). I hasten to add that my mistakes as I try to edge a little closer to a recreation of the town are not theirs - I find that each time i consult their papers, their quiet studies correct some (but not all) of my more fanciful imaginings. (The main residence was cut in two by a central support - the quick block out above proceeds without referencing that fact - and i have dim recollection from a Bavarian tour guide who once told me, straight-faced, that castle dwellers slept ten to a closet.) Still, it prompts the question of how the most wealthy furnished and made livable the cold dank interiors of keeps. And bearing in mind the length of time these places were occupied - sometimes only briefly by the one family - what variety of reorganisation the place saw.

I also record my appreciation for the 3D artist Faveral, who crafted the models used in the monastery and the main residence of the keep, and who has created a superb resource of European medieval buildings and interiors. A shout out also to XSGameStudios, KoTen Studio and Art Equilibrium.


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