Learning to Fly
A little while back - well maybe more than that - a baby magpie became part of my farm.

The most challenging, and fun, part of bringing up a baby magpie is flying. Getting into the air is not so hard: you just have to run, flap your arms and jump.
Sadly, I was not much help with some of the finer points, like turning, or landing.
Eventually, after a couple of crashes, she got the hang of it. She remembered the crashes, and so do i: every one of them. First time she got off the ground, she flew directly towards a fibro wall... I remember her looking at me just before she hit. Fortunately she bounced. Later on, she tried to teach me to turn, but I never got the hang of it. When she finally learnt (mainly from watching galahs, I think) she moved so fast. I remember sitting on the veranda of a little farmhouse out high in a remote valley near Wee Jasper watching her diving through the trees.
Magpies eventually grow up and go have their own families. While I was always introduced to her kids, she never asked me to help teach them to fly.
I'm planning to start my own blog soon but I'm a little lost on everything.
Would you advise starting with a free platform like Wordpress or go for a paid option? There are so
many choices out there that I'm totally confused ..
Any ideas? Kudos!
find out more details.
you are a part of the composition.
I'm now picturing your lessons in my head....
Creating a little bit of content every couple of days would be a good start. Blogger is a simple no-fuss platform, and good to start out on. If you find that you enjoy the medium and which to pursue it, you can then explore some of the other platforms and look at the (sometimes hidden) costs involved.
I have worked my life as a lawyer in Australia's capital - but i have chosen to live well away from the city, on the edge of forests and wilderness areas. Living together with wildlife introduces you to a world that defies expectations. A lifetime of listening has taught me that i know very little :)
Thanks :) It is a comfortable shot.
Thanks :) They do not play well with smaller birds, but i have always respected their sense of country. There was real anxiety in the days before learning to fly- the magpie was ready, but i was frightened of what might come. It all turned out well.