Wandering along the Dingo Fence

To keep grazing lands safe for sheep, farmers in the mountains west of Canberra constructed a high fence more than 2m (6') of heavy ring lock.  
The fence is still maintained - and still serves its original purpose of keeping the Dingo (wolf-like animals - sometimes called warrigal) from the sheep.  It serves the similarly important purpose of keeping civilization out of the bush.

I like wandering along the fence - it is a stark reminder of potentiality.

Here, I came across male Eastern Grey Kangaroos squaring up for a fight.  The mob of kangaroos was camped in a wet land, drying in stages, producing distinct layers of colors.
While camping or hiking in remote areas, i often here or catch glimpses of dingos.

As i have walked, i often chance across stone carvings - mainly in the walls of many of the remote SE Australian falls. These are generally animal shapes - often in difficult to access places on the fall wall.

The first dozen times i saw these i dismissed them as happens-chance or my over-active imagination.
Now i accept them as deliberate representations of local animals or birds. Here, for example, this cascade includes a wolf ear demonstrating deliberate cutting strokes, while the eyes of all the animals are placed in perfect symmetry.
This example is from an ancient First People site at Tuross - a place i think of as Wolf and Bears Fall (the dingo is on the left, look for his eyes and ear - the wombat is lower right and the koala behind it, look for snouts, eyes and ears).

This image was taken twenty paces away, at the top of a larger fall. All around are the regular traces of millennia of stone tool sharpening.
