Color correction at Bulls Head

The First People and Colonials valued the springs on the eastern side of Brindabella Mountain. Now skirted by roads, the springs beloved by those who climbed the range are now hidden away out of sight between Brindabella Mountain and Bulls Head. This area is packed with peaks and hidden treasures, but some can correct expectations when you get close up, like Bulls Head. The short hike up to Bulls Head is perhaps the least impressive mountain track, unlike neighboring Mt Coree (pictured in the distance), Mt Franklin, or Mt Aggie. 

Bulls Head concludes in a clearing full of towers warning the unwary of dangerous radiation levels. The nearby trees have adapted, growing the leaves in strange circular shapes. The day itself was overcast, but the bluebells on the track were uncommonly vivid (and much larger than usual, perhaps because of the wet season rather than radiation). So, in the absence of scenery, we turned our attention to getting a series of macros of the flowers while grumbling about tricky surveyors attaching cute names to less-cute tracks.

However, it quickly became apparent that our standard macro settings (without our regular flash system) were producing different colors to that we saw with the eye - perhaps because of shadows, light haze, or the colors of the forest. Ordinarily, we would correct the results in camera - the Canon 5D Mk iii has plenty of simple tools to fix the issue - but we decided to use a Phottix to see what we had to pump the light temperature up to to get eye-concurrent colors. The first in this series shows our original 'uncorrected' shots - while the remainder (bluebells, break of days and trigger plants) are the true-color results with the Phottix at about 4" from the subject @5200K. All images by Indya.
